I started this blog to document a whole year in pictures. I took a picture everyday of the last year of our lives, from 2.13.10 to 2.13.11. Since the year is up, posting might get sparse on this blog. I am not going to let the "take a picture everyday" thing stress me out, but if I have a picture to share, I surely will.

Saturday, June 26, 2010


from sammy's. i got mint oreo pie and jeremy got banana cream pie. so good!
two pictures today... sorry, i couldn't pick just one.


Rebecca Burningham said...


Think they have a gluten free one?

Good to see you the other night!

Katie said...

probably not.. sorry!

but i did see gluten free honey nut chex at sam's! i immediately thought of you guys.

and we seriously need to get together some time.